Squirrely Parks page 2

A comic featuring, a park with no trees, Fredric Law Olmstead admireing a tree, Calvert Vaux and Fredrick Law Olmstead planning Central Park, a dense stand of trees, squirrels being released, a person angryly pointing at a squirrel damaged tree while another person feeds a squirrel, Phillip Gerba looking eye to eye with a squirrel, and Phillip Gerba lounging under a tree surrounded by squirrels.

Fredrick Law Olmstead is one of my favorite figures in New York history. He really created the job of landscape designer, and excelled at that job. A lot of what we think of as what a park should be like today come from his designs and ideas. Last month I had the opportunity to visit Delaware Park, one of his parks in Buffalo (Quite far from my Bronx home for the geographically impaired). It was a much latter work than Central Park, but it still had many trees, and of course squirrels.

In other news I am quite close to making "Animals of the Apple vol 1" available to purchase in print form. This is my first attempt at printing a comic book, so I've been busy fixing my noob mistakes this month and as soon as I get a proof that I am as proud of as I am of this website I'll let everyone know how to buy a copy. Hopefully this will be by the end of October.